Pastoral Care

Every form is assigned a Form Teacher who takes register every morning of absences and presences.

These teachers are the temporary parents of the students, when at school. They help to mould the correct attitudes and behaviour of students and to leam them in the right direction.

Along with this, a student is assigned as a class monitor for their respective form. The role of the monitor is to keep their classmates and classroom in order. The monitor also takes the role of the Form Teacher when he/she is absent.

Various students from the 5th form body are selected to become Prefects. There is the Head Girl and Head Boy along with the Deputy Head Girl and Deputy Head Boy. In more recent times, there has been the selection of a ‘Head of Prefect Body’ and a Deputy Head of Prefect Body’. These spearhead and help to guide/monitor the leaders of the Prefect Body. The Prefects are responsible for leading the school population and setting an affirmative example. Each Prefect is assigned to a form to help oversee the students. This promotes a safer environment and peer to peer reprimanding.

A security guard is on the school site at all times. He is situated at the school’s front gate. He also patrols the blocks to ensure students are attending their classes. This helps to enforce security and safety of students. The security guard is Mr. Martin Smith.